
Adobe’s online portfolio platform, Behance, is a microcosm of society’s larger problem of the disproportion between human’s ability to consume and the infinite amount of imagery available for 24/7 viewing. Each color shown represents the dominant color that Behance assigns to each image in its source code. When scrolling, dominant colors will appear until the page has loaded properly, which is programed through code known as lazy loading.

Behance’s source code on the back of the scroll—the width of an iPhone—asks the audience to consider the structure, display, and format of this information. The entire scroll was installed on an apparatus that allows the audience to pull or “scroll through” the stream of colors.

Lazy Loading’s endless scroll tells the story that each individual color is less important than the sheer volume of them all together and slows down the continuous flow of imagery to bring what is intrinsically digital into the physical world.

Apparatus: Cardboard and wood dowel; 13.5 x 5.75 inches
Scroll: Printed on newsprint;
width-2.75 inches; length-endless

Also seen in MFA Thesis

Mixed Media ︎︎︎

Lazy Loading 

An MFA Thesis Project

Adobe’s online portfolio platform, Behance, is a microcosm of society’s larger problem of the disproportion between human’s ability to consume and the infinite amount of imagery available for 24/7 viewing. Each color shown represents the dominant color that Behance assigns to each image in its source code. When scrolling, dominant colors will appear until the page has loaded properly, which is programed through code known as lazy loading.

Behance’s source code on the back of the scroll—the width of an iPhone—asks the audience to consider the structure, display, and format of this information. The entire scroll was installed on an apparatus that allows the audience to pull or “scroll through” the stream of colors.

Lazy Loading’s endless scroll tells the story that each individual color is less important than the sheer volume of them all together and slows down the continuous flow of imagery to bring what is intrinsically digital into the physical world.

Apparatus: Cardboard and wood dowel; 13.5 x 5.75 inches
Scroll: Printed on newsprint; Width - 2.75 inches, Length - Endless

Also seen in MFA Thesis