Severance Package is a publication in opposition to Home Depot, the thermal imaging technology, and the entire experience itself. Formally, the pages within Severance Package reference what a corporate packet of documents might look like, including a formal letter, data logs, and graphs. The content itself is a summary of my negative experience. (For example, the “Energy Output Logs” track my travel activity, internet search history related to the experience, and software downloaded when attempting to troubleshoot.) I incorporated black vinyl into the design of the graphs to give the data a sense of touch and texture.
While the design of the publication is refined and restrained, the video that accompanies it depicts my anger and confusion.
Notes: Visual System; creative writing
Size: 8.5 x 11 inch loose leaf papers contained in transparent orange envelope
Video Duration: 1:31
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Severance Package
For a studio assignment, I was asked to explore the meaning behind a specific color and design an output based on my findings. Researching the color orange led me to rent a thermal imaging camera from Home Depot, in an effort to explore the passing of energy from one person to another. However, due to a technical issue, I was unable to access any of the photography I had spent days capturing.
Severance Package is a publication in opposition to Home Depot, the thermal imaging technology, and the entire experience itself. Formally, the pages within Severance Package reference what a corporate packet of documents might look like, including a formal letter, data logs, and graphs. The content itself is a summary of my negative experience. (For example, the “Energy Output Logs” track my travel activity, internet search history related to the experience, and software downloaded when attempting to troubleshoot.) I incorporated black vinyl into the design of the graphs to give the data a sense of touch and texture.
While the design of the publication is refined and restrained, the video that accompanies it depicts my anger and confusion.
Notes: Visual System; creative writing
Size: 8.5 x 11 inch loose leaf papers contained in transparent orange envelope
Video Duration: 1:31